In Take Stock in Children

When a TIF student excels or racks up an impressive accomplishment, she becomes a role model for her siblings, her peers, and the other children in the Immokalee community. This is exactly the case with Maria Plata, a Take Stock in Children superstar who spoke at this year’s Take Stock induction ceremony about her challeanges, motivations, and achievements.

What makes Maria so unique? Here are ten quick facts about this exceptional member of the TIF community.


1). Maria is a current Immokalee High School senior.

2). Maria’s current high school GPA is 4.1.

3). Maria is taking courses at FGCU as an early admissions student.

4). Maria dreams of a career in public relations.

5). Maria has three brothers and three sisters.

6). Maria’s father is a migrant field worker, and she and her siblings spent their childhood summers traveling to places like Georgia to be with their father on the farm.

7). Maria has been a vital member of various student organizations, including the Fellowship of Christian Athletes, BETA Club, Future Business Leaders of America, and C.R.O.P.

8). Maria is member of the 2010 class of Youth Leadership Collier.

9). At TIF, Maria has volunteered as an Immokalee Readers tutor, helping kindergarten through second-grade students to establish strong reading and language skills.

10). Reflecting on her own decision to take her education so seriously, Maria says, “Education really opens up windows. And those windows open you up to the world.”

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