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STEM sounds very academic as an acronym, but when Science, Technology, Engineering and Math are the subjects of a field trip to a hands-on museum, it’s all fun and games.

On Presidents Day, 30 middle school students in The Immokalee Foundation’s Junior Career Development program visited the Museum of Science and Industry in Tampa. Many had not previously been to a large-scale museum. As the largest science center in the Southeast United States, MOSI encompasses 400,000 square feet and boasts 450 hands-on exhibits.

Immokalee students enjoyed activities such as riding a high-wire bike and experiencing both hurricane-force winds and a roller coaster ride in simulators.

“MOSI was great because I got to experience new things I’ve never seen before, such as a 3-D simulator,” said Greg Reyna. The simulators were high points of the day for Daniel Trejo Garcia, too.

Linda Gomez Trejo liked the planetarium show best. Ethan Rincon agreed: “I liked the planetarium because I got to learn many things about our solar system and galaxy.”

Jaelyn Sanders liked the IMAX movie best.

The Junior Career Development program exposes younger students to a range of careers through office trips and places of business, and hearing speakers from various professions. Both the Career Development program for high school students and the junior equivalent introduce young people to the importance of STEM subjects, and a trip to MOSI afforded such an opportunity.

The Immokalee Foundation provides a range of education programs that focus on building pathways to success through college and post-secondary preparation and support, mentoring and tutoring, opportunities for broadening experiences, and life skills development leading to economic independence. To learn more about The Immokalee Foundation, volunteering as a career panel speaker or host, becoming a mentor, making a donation, including the foundation in your estate plans, or for additional information, call 239-430-9122 or visit


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