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Let’s face it; life can feel heavy at times. A global pandemic, a catastrophic hurricane, economic uncertainty, and social and political divide in recent years have left us searching for more ways to lift our spirits and recognize the good in this world.

There is an old Chinese proverb that goes: “If you want happiness for an hour, take a nap. If you want happiness for a day, go fishing. If you want happiness for a year, inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime, help somebody.”

We have all experienced that warm and fuzzy feeling when we lend a helping hand to someone in need.  In fact, the need to help others is even hard-wired into our biology, and comes with a host of benefits that dramatically impact our physical and emotional well-being.

Our busy schedules and daily obligations leave us with seemingly little time to reach out and help someone. The good news is, whether you are strapped for time, limited on resources, or retired and looking for the right opportunity, The Immokalee Foundation has you covered.

Here are three simple activities with The Immokalee Foundation to create a healthier and happier you!  Are you ready?

Become a Mentor

At its core, a mentor is a person who can support, advise and guide you. Luke Skywalker had Yoda. Rocky Balboa had Mickey Golmdill. The Immokalee Foundation students have YOU.

The Immokalee Foundation middle and high school students need you to join our growing list of mentors. Your participation helps them develop personally and professionally, and guide them on their path to success.

Immokalee Foundation mentor Maureen Lambe and mentee Jennifer T.

English is not the primary language for many of our student’s parents, and often it’s the students who are the first to pursue higher education, go off to college, or seek a career outside agriculture. This makes having a mentor so pivotal in helping our students achieve their dreams.

The joy and satisfaction you experience while witnessing change-in-action in a student’s life cannot be measured. When your mentee achieves career and personal success they would not have had otherwise, the personal reward is even greater. Because you generously provided your experience, wisdom, and knowledge, the life you influenced is forever changed and your impact carries on for generations.

Watch postsecondary student Daniel Trejo’s heartwarming reflection on his mentor.

As a mentor with The Immokalee Foundation,  you will:

    • Gain new meaning and perspective on your life
    • Discover just how impactful your commitment, wisdom, and knowledge can be in changing someone’s life
    • Make a lifelong friend
    • Join a community of like-minded people

Become a mentor for one of our extraordinary students today. Email Yeimi Espinoza at or call (239) 657-2461.


It is no secret that volunteering has its benefits. In addition to providing you with a greater sense of purpose in life and making you feel happier , it may also help you live longer according to a study published in the Journal of Health Psychology.

Volunteers are needed in all capacities at The Immokalee Foundation and are vital to the success of our programs. 

Engineering and construction management Career Panel speakers with an Immokalee Foundation middle school student.

Businesses can volunteer by hosting an internship for one of our extraordinary students. Through our internship program, students gain hands-on experience that prepares them for career success. Participating businesses benefit from additional workplace support and the knowledge that they are investing in Southwest Florida’s future workforce.

Click here to watch an inspiring internship host testimony from Stacey Glenn of Top Agent Team Florida at John R Wood Properties.

Business professionals can also become guest speakers or participate in a career panel discussion. These opportunities provide our students with valuable insight and offer them a unique chance to understand the scope of existing career opportunities. 

All volunteers have the opportunity to help out with event support and administrative duties to keep our day-to-day operations running smoothly. 

“After retiring from a busy career that left me little time to volunteer, I searched for an organization that might be able to use my background in education and career development,” said Maureen Lamb, volunteer, donor and mentor at The Immokalee Foundation. “Fortunately for me, I found The Immokalee Foundation! I mentor an 11th-grade student and provide administrative and research support for the philanthropy team. It gives me tremendous satisfaction to help support the Foundation’s mission and thoroughly enjoy working with the talented and dedicated staff.”

Sign up to volunteer at The Immokalee Foundation by clicking here or call 239-430-9122.


Close your eyes and think about when you gave that perfect Christmas or birthday present to a family member or friend. Do you remember how their whole face lit up with joy and how they expressed gratitude towards you? How did that make you feel?

Charity Classic Gala guests raise their paddles high to donate and support the dreams of Immokalee Foundation students

 That ”giver’s glow” you experienced is responsible for lowering stress levels, enhanced emotional health, and an overall sense of well-being.

Not only that, but you ultimately see the world through a different lens. In her book, The How of Happiness, Sonja Lyubomirsky writes, “Being kind and generous leads you to perceive others more positively and more charitably,” which  “fosters a heightened sense of interdependence and cooperation in your social community.”

You can give confidently to The Immokalee Foundation knowing that your funds go directly towards our life-changing programs. We are also a four-star rated charity with Charity Navigator and have earned the Candid 2023 Platinum Seal of Transparency, putting the Foundation in the top 0.1% of charities nationally in terms of transparency.

Best of all, you are heralded as a hero to countless young lives whose gratitude towards you is endless.

Click here and feel the joy of donating now!

Whether you decide to mentor, volunteer, or donate to The Immokalee Foundation, you are forever changing many lives—one of them being your own.

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