In Student Success Blog

How much time do you spend online?  It all starts out innocently enough, doesn’t it? You’re looking at recipes and somehow twenty clicks and an ad later, you ended up booking an adrenaline packed flying experience. Hours have gone by! How did this happen? It’s not magic, it’s marketing! In fact, the digital marketing industry is growing so fast that the Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts the marketing job demand to increase by 10% by 2026–above the average for all careers. This trend in future employment opportunities led The Immokalee Foundation to have a spark of inspiration: create a Student Media Team and jumpstart the next generation of marketing giants!

Familia, we are so excited for you to meet Briceida, Lionisia, Maleighna, and Roberto, the very first members of our Student Media Team. This dynamic group of creatives is being provided an excellent opportunity to develop their marketing skills and gain experience in a variety of areas such as writing, photography, videography, and graphic design. As the students work together to create content for the Foundation, they learn how each member contributes their own unique skill set that helps make them a stronger team.  Armed with a Canon 7200D camera, mentors, and imagination, the students have set out on an adventure to learn about leadership, communication, and creativity while getting their feet wet in the digital marketing world through real-life work experience.

Tenth Grade Business Management & Entrepreneurship student, Maleighna, is no stranger to the vast world of marketing. As a business pathway student, she has participated in our Foundation’s “What’s Your Pitch” event where students create and present a sustainable business to a panel of local business professionals. Because of this experience, she has been a very active member and became a natural leader with a great eye for composition. Slightly shy at first with a soft whisper of a voice, she now skillfully directs her subjects with the ease of a seasoned professional creating a relaxed environment for the team.  “I wanted to join the Student Media Team for the opportunities,” she said.  “In the future, I want to pursue marketing and this team will help me with that. My favorite part of the whole process is seeing the end product. You start with finding backgrounds, how individuals pose, recording, etc. and by the end, you see the work you have done.  It’s rewarding!”

In addition to helping with their careers, this team is fun! The students get to creatively build a narrative around different programs and experiences at The Immokalee Foundation.

Lionisia, also a 10th Grade business student, has an appetite for creativity just about as big as her dreams! She knew this was her moment to take advantage of a brand-new project that showcased her love for art.  “It was the whole artistic side of it for me,” she said. “There haven’t been many programs in which I can express my creative side, which is what this is all about. This opportunity inspired me to reach new heights and aspire towards other goals.”

This moment of self-realization is so powerful for our students. This isn’t work for them, it’s passion.

Our Construction & Engineering students are joining the team as well. Often found behind the lens during interviews and action shots, 9th Grade student Roberto is constantly snapping interesting photos during assignments. Roberto has a certain flare for creative imagery and is always looking for unique angles and perspectives to tell the story he is trying to capture. He is currently using this opportunity to build his portfolio and begin mastering his technique for photography. “I want to use the skills I am learning to take landscape pictures for my future business,” he said with a big smile. “Learning composition and how to use those photos to create an audience is my favorite part.

That’s what’s so great about this new team! Our students are learning how to generate audiences for their future businesses now and will continue to build on these skills as they move through high school and beyond. They will lead the pack!

With The Immokalee Foundation’s outstanding 100% high school graduation rate, we know these marketing skillsets will provide a substantial advantage for the students’ professional future and help set them apart from the competition. The best part about all of this? You’ll be able to see it happening right here on our website and social media accounts! We’ll post updates about what’s going on with our Student Media Team as well as other stories related to our work at The Immokalee Foundation. Make sure to follow us and watch our students ride the digital wave into a bright and successful future. Like, share, follow us!

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