Turning hope into reality

Located in Southwest Florida, just 35 miles east of Naples, Immokalee is home to a large agricultural community, with a population of approximately 40,000 during the peak winter season. Many of the residents work hard in low paying jobs that include agriculture to support their families – and feed the nation. Immokalee’s families suffer intergenerational poverty and very low educational attainment. Immokalee’s per capita income is $18,694 ranking it 482nd out of 485 communities in Florida. All public schools in Immokalee qualify for the USDA Community Eligibility Provision, a non-pricing meal service option for the nation’s schools with students from the highest poverty rate demographics. This program allows the schools to serve breakfast and lunch at no cost to all enrolled students. 100% of the students we serve attend schools in this high-poverty-rate community. In order to find better opportunities for their children, these families need our help.

For more than a quarter century, The Immokalee Foundation has worked tirelessly to change the lives of the Immokalee community. With a focus on education, career and life skills, the Foundation offers students the tools, opportunities and support they need to succeed at each level of their education – whether they choose college, vocational programs or certifications that lead to financial independence.

Under the guidance of the Foundation’s mentors, these boys and girls grow to become young women and men who learn that through education and determination, they can transform their dreams into a better life for themselves and their families.

Our story is their story

Philanthropist Parker Collier founded The Immokalee Foundation in 1991 to help improve the future of Immokalee’s children by raising awareness and financial support from neighboring Neapolitans. The Immokalee Foundation began by committing financial assistance to existing initiatives in education, health care and career development programs — contributions that would help the children and the community as a whole.

Toward the end of the 1990s, Collier aimed to expand The Immokalee Foundation’s role in the community by administering in-house programs. The ensuing Millennium Campaign, which raised $2.5 million between 1999 and 2001 and became the corpus of The Immokalee Foundation’s endowment, spurred a range of programs centered on an empowerment model that pairs opportunity with accountability.

In 2001, The Immokalee Foundation’s education-based approach was solidified through its partnership with the statewide Take Stock in Children program that provides a unique opportunity for students to escape the cycle of poverty through education. The Immokalee Foundation began to offer additional educational programs, summer enrichment opportunities, camp experiences and workshops.

The Immokalee Foundation’s leadership took another look at the community through “A Study of Immokalee’s Children: Analysis of Needs & Strategic Actions” conducted by the University of Florida Lastinger Center for Learning in 2006. Clarifying the need for intensive early reading, after-school enrichment, college preparation and vocational training, the study became an important tool in measuring The Immokalee Foundation’s impact and shaping its program expansion.

From early childhood literacy education and college prep to career development and advanced vocational training, The Immokalee Foundation fosters a brighter future through individualized plans offering “Pathways to Success.” Today, The Immokalee Foundation helps more than 1,300 students annually by nurturing each child’s development as a student – and as a citizen – through education.

By The Numbers

Immokalee Foundation students served through our education programs
0 %
High School Graduation Rate for students who participate in our programs
Number of elementary students in our Immokalee Readers program
0 %
Foundation graduates placed in postsecondary education at universities, colleges or technical programs
0 %
Graduation rate for Foundation students pursuing postsecondary education

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